Online Nominations Portal
- Students can submit their nominations together with their seconders details.
- The System then sends emails to each seconder to verify the secondment and this is
recorded with time stamps and unique key to authenticate the secondment is valid. - The nominations portal generates reports of each nominated candidate displaying the
number of verified secondments.
Voting Administration Portal – Admin Section
- Creation of Elections and addition of Candidates with Photos and Portfolios
- Voters Roll Uploads
- Messaging Options for Email / SMS
- OTP Delivery Automation
- On-the-fly Results Generation
Voters Experience
- Data-less access to system
- No APP installation is required and can be accessed from most smartphones, tablets browser or computer browser. Only a single 10-character alphanumeric OTP is required to vote.
- The system has been Zero-Rated by South African MNO’s so it still can be accessed by phones that have no airtime.